Human life which can not be separated from the influence of Hyang Widhi omnipotence, in Hindu doctrine consists of two aspects, namely the real or "scale" and not real aspects or "abstract".
Scale aspect is something that clearly and directly can be done through the thinking (cognitive), which also produces emotions and behavior, can then be perceived through the senses.
Abstract aspect contains belief in religious teachings that affect inner peace through vibrations sanctity which results can not be perceived through the senses. Both integral and therefore need to be considered jointly.
In the context of clean and healthy lifestyle there are also aspects of scale and Atharwa noetic as stipulated in the Vedas, then Western psychologists: Sperman & Reven (1938) states that the ideal conditions for clean and healthy life, or "Living Healthy" includes the following elements: physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual.
Some Hindu scholars argue that cleanse the body, mind, soul (atma) and reason (reason) is carried out together, as mentioned in one sloka Silakrama:

Meaning: The body is cleaned with water, cleaned with the honesty of mind, soul (atman) is cleaned with science, and reason (reason) is cleaned with wisdom.

My opinion is somewhat different with Sperman & Reven in the order only, as follows: Spiritual, Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, and Social Affairs with the consideration that the elements belonging Spiritual noetic aspect of great influence on the elements of Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, and Social.
Four of the latter I have classified the aspects of scale.
Clean and Healthy Lifestyle on abstract aspects can be described as the sanctity of the atman (soul / spirit), mind and intellect (mind) obtained from an ongoing effort to learn and implement the teachings of the Hindu Religion in everyday life (spiritual life) .
Starting point is a strong sense of Hyang Widhi.
There are Orthodox or Hindu view that introducing Astika Sad Dharsana (six philosophy), namely: Mimansa, Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, and Vaisesika.
Among the interesting thing is Nyaya philosophy states that belief in the existence of Hyang Widhi obtained through four pramana (knowledge), namely:
1. Religion Pramana (studying the sacred books)
2. Pratiyaksa Pramana (felt or experienced directly with clear and tangible)
3. Anumana Pramana (draw conclusions based on the logic of the elements of motion, causality, necessity, perfection, and regularity)
4. Upamana Pramana (analogy, that conclusion based on comparison of the elements of metaphor / creation, structural / material creation, and causal / effect of a cause)

After believing the greatness and power of human Hyang Widhi then find a way to Him through chess clans:
1. Bhakti Marga (worship, revere, honor and cherish)
2. Karma Marga (work, do achieve the goal of life is based on the teachings of the Vedas)
3. Jnana Marga (studying the scriptures as a source of knowledge and then pass it to the people as possible)
4. Yoga Marga (though body and mind to connect the atma with Parama Atma)

The four roads are not exercised individually, but simultaneously by balancing the weight of his own abilities. In chess clans to take it there are signs that should be implemented Religion, among others:
1. Chess Purushaarta: dharma, artha, kama, and moksa, that the order should not be exchanged because no artha can be obtained without going through the dharma; not be obtained without artha kama, so no moksa obtained without going through the dharma, artha, and kama.
2. Sistacara: the holy life that form the moral.
3. Sadacara: obey the rules or legislation are valid.
4. Atmanastusti: maintain a pure conscience.
5. Sad to distance themselves from Tatayi: agnida (burn or scold someone's house), wisada (poison people), atharwa (wearing black magic), sastraghna (rampage), dratikrama (rape), rajapisuna (slander)
6. Alert on existing Ripu Sad to us: kama (lust), greedy (greedy), kroda (anger), mada (drunk), moha (pride), matsarya (jealousy, envy, envy).
7. Implement Trikaya Parisudha: Kayika (good deeds, namely: do not kill, steal, commit adultery); wacika (good word, that does not say anything rude, dirty and slander, and telling the truth); manacika (good thoughts, namely: do not envy the person belongs to another, believe in the law of karma phala, and dear to all beings).
8. Always do Asada Brata: dharma (obey the essence of truth), satya (loyal to the homeland, nation, country), tapas (self control), dama (calm and patient), wimatsarira (no envy, jealousy, greed), hrih (have shame), titiksa (not upset), anasuya (not bad tempered), Yadnya (sacrifice), fund (philanthropist), dhrti (purify themselves), ksama (forgiving).
9. The ability to control Dasa Indria: srotendria (hearing), twakindria (tentacle / skin), granendria (olfactory), caksundria (vision), wakindria (tongue), panindria (hand movements), payundria (defecate), jihwendria (footwork) , pastendria (genitals).
10. Self-control through Yama Brata: anrsamsa (not selfish), ksama (forgiving), satya (faithful), ahimsa (not kill / hurt), dama (patient and calm), arjawa (sincere), pritih (compassion), prasada (do not think badly), madhurya (genuinely sweet-faced), mardawa (gentle).
11. Enforcing discipline through Niyama Brata: fund (philanthropist), ijya (worship), Tapa (self control), dhyana (realize the greatness of Hyang Widhi), swadhyaya (study hard), upasthanigraha (maintaining the sanctity of sexual relations), fasting (curb appetite), upawasa (fasting), mona (speaking carefully), snana (maintain the purity of the heart).
12. Chess Set in the Ashrama of life, namely: brahmacari (learning / study), griya cubits (settle down and develop a descendant), wanaprasta (reducing the bond to the pleasures of the world), bhiksuka (purify themselves with mewinten / mediksa).

If properly implemented the four clans then humans will have the sad order:
1. Sandhi (easy to get out of the difficulty of living)
2. Wigrha (influential)
3. Jana (his words obeyed)
4. There (always be able to adjust to the environment)
5. Wisesa (wise, authoritative, easy to conquer adharma)
6. Srya (to get sympathy / groove)

Individuals in sad circumstances in order to bias the vibration on the human group around him so terwujudlah society characterized by:
1. Satyam (religious)
2. Siwam (affection)
3. Sundaram (prosperous material and immaterial)

Satyam, Siwam, Sundaram are the elements that determine the human effort to reach moksartham jagadhita (happiness born / inner).
Clean and Healthy Lifestyle in aspects of scale can be described as self-hygiene and health (physical) as well as hygiene and environmental health.
Cleanliness and personal hygiene should be maintained because the body (sarira) a clean and healthy people can carry out chess Purusha artha, which are: dharma, artha, kama, and moksa, as mentioned in the Brahma Purana 228.45:

Agency should be maintained so that should not be used for purposes other than achieving chess Purusha artha; if there is deviation mean life wasted.
Maintain cleanliness, health and purity in body Patanjali Yoga Sutra teachings referred to as sauca. Sauca sacred meaning mentally and physically through cleanliness and health of body and purity of the heart.
Therefore, the base of the cleanliness of health, the health agency can affect the purity of the soul. Similarly, the sanctity of life can affect physical health.
Body in the Book of Wrehaspati Tattwa called stula sarira consists of five mahabutha elements, namely earth, Apah, wind, Teja, and akasa. Health is achieved when a balance was maintained with the five elements of the composition of the Tri Guna, namely Satwam, Rajas, and Tamas.
Satwam involves a calm, Rajas concerning the activities of appropriate agencies with the physical ability and Tamas regarding the need to give sufficient time to rest / relax / berrekreasi.
Efforts to maintain health or five mahabutha balance in the body according to Ayur Veda done in three ways, namely:

First: to keep food (Ahara). Not just any food good for health. Food is good and beneficial for the body referred to as Satvika Ahara.

Bhagawadgita XVII (Sraddhatraya vibhaga yoga)

Article 8:

Food that gives life, strength, energy, health, happiness and joy that feels delicious, tender, refreshing and tasty well-liked (sattvika).

Article 9:


The bitter foods (not drugs), sour, salty, spicy, lots of spices, hard, and scorched that cause distress, misery and disease.

Article 10:


Food is obsolete, lost feeling, rotten, smelly, the former / the remains and do not clean the food is very bad.

In conclusion, good food is food that is useful for:

* Extending the life (Ayuh)
* Purifying atma (satvika)
* Gives physical strength (bala)
* Maintain health (arogya)
* To give a sense of happiness (sukha)
* Satisfactory (priti)
* Improving the status of life (vivar dhanah)

good food should:

* Contains extracts (rasyah)
* A little fat (snigdhah)
* Durable (sthitah)
* Fun (hrdyah)
* No damage or drunken memories (Amada)

Second: the monastery, which is behaving fairly, for example, no late nights, late meals (except being upawasa), intent to hold waste water, adjacent to the contagious diseased people, excessive sleep, and entertain themselves excessively.

Third: with Ausada, which regularly drink herbal (slack) is made from plants. In addition, the agency also needs to be treated with a balance of motion and circulation of energy (prana) throughout the body such as with exercise, or the Hindu religion by doing Yoga Asanas and Pranayama regularly every day.

Hygiene and environmental health should be maintained as closely related to hygiene and human health. The meaning of environment is the universe.

Ganapati ejection Tattwa in Chapter I outlines that at the beginning of the creation of the universe (Bhuwana General), Hyang Widhi in its manifestations as Panca Dewata preserve the nature as follows:

1. Brahma is located in the south keep the earth (earth)
2. Vishnu in the north keep the water (Apah)
3. Rudra in the west to keep the sun, moon, and stars (Teja)
4. Iswara in the east to keep the air (wind)
5. Sadasiwa in the middle to keep the ether (akasa)

Pertiwi, Apah, Teja, wind, and akasa called Panca Mahabutha. When everything is taken care of and after the creation of animals and plants then Panca Dewata created man as follows:

1. Brahma and Vishnu created the body by means of the ground (earth) and water (Apah)
2. Rudra create eye from Teja
3. Iswara creating a breath of wind
4. Sadasiwa create the sound of the akasa

The five elements that make up the human body is referred to as Bhuwana Alit. Thus it is clear that elements of the Great Bhuwana same elements Bhuwana Alit. Or in other words the human body were known as the Panca Mahabutha.

If people want to live clean and healthy then the man also has an obligation to maintain clean and healthy Bhuwana Great, because if the Supreme Bhuwana not clean and healthy not impossible human can live clean and healthy.

In the teachings of the Bhakti Marga chess clans mentioned that a form of love for a devotee to Hyang Widhi also reflected in the love and affection to all His creation, including the universe.

Book Manawa Dharmasastra Chapter IV (Atha Caturtho Dhyayah)

Article 52:


Intelligence someone will fade if he piss face of fire, sun, moon, in river water, face the Brahmin, cow or wind direction.

Article 56:


He should not urinate or defecate in the river water, lake, ocean, nor spit, also may not say anything dirty, nor throw garbage, blood, or something that is poisonous or toxic.

Maintain cleanliness and good health in scale as well as abstract as those mentioned above is not only a human obligation religious individuals, but also the responsibility of government as taught by the Rishis Kautilia Nitisastra Chanakya in the book, that a king (head of government) shall maintain preservation of natural resources, clean housing, physical and spiritual health of its people for a strong prosperous and peaceful country.

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