Hindu communalism and political portrait of Hinduism that focus must be balanced by pointing narrow deep ambivalence of today's Hindu. Parallel with a very intense nationalistic spirit shown by the Hindus, as presented (in pages) before, is the rejection of the concept of "the West" from the nation-state in the writings of such modern Hindu spokesman Rabindranath Tagore, Aurobindo Ghose, and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
Along with the confirmation back varnasramadharma as the basis for India is also a statement from the political representatives of Hindu orthodoxy and advocating a society without classes and castes. Massive denunciation of modernization and secularization by some people is balanced by suggestions for the formation of modern India was militarily strong and the industry by another.
While there has been a long time indeed Hindu resistance against all changes introduced in the society and
laws, have also shown that almost all progressive movements have been started by the Hindus. Parallel with, and contrary to the hard, to regional and sectarian tendencies of Hinduism, is the opposite movement to menguniversalkan and menspritualkan Hinduism and regard it as the home of all pure religiosity.
Hinduism has produced in modern times not only a Dayananda and Tilak but also a Gandhian and a Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Aurobindo Ghose a and a Krishnamurti, world citizen and true prophets of a universal religion. What we see happening today on the Hindu religion is the formation of a new world of the truth.
Hindu religion, of course, has become a world religion based on a large number of adherents. But strong ties to the geography of India and the social structures of caste has been prevented to reach the world at large. Also, its internal differences, lack of certainty about what is considered esesial, sektarianismenya history has become a barrier to its position as a truly universal religion.
All this has changed. In our century, Hinduism has produced the leading proponents of that aside sectarianism, emphasizing or prioritizing the basics together for all of its branches, and modernize and revitalize the Hindu religion. Hindu religion has proven itself far more open than other religions to the ideas or new thinking, scientific thinking, and also the social experiment.
Many of the trust, which is the basis for Hindu religion and the original alien to the West, such as reincarnation, polydevataisme, meditation, institution / teacher relationships (guruship) has been widely accepted around the world. Also traditional vagueness of the Hindu religion relates to the limits of the doctrine has become a universal aspect of the highlights of religion worldwide. Yoga tradition is alive and methods interiorisasi (search into the soul / mind) has given Hinduism more value (edge) of the traditional religions of others, which emphasizes the absolute authority of the official truth of a holy book.
Hindu religion is beginning to organize themselves, he was articulating the essence or main teachings (Tattva), to modernize itself, and he's supported by followers of a very large with strong beliefs. Not surprising to find Hinduism the dominant religion will be for centuries duapuluhsatu. He will be a religion that doctrinally sedogmatik not Christians, are politically not as hard as Islamic and Buddhist seheroik not ethically, but he will offer everything to everybody, he will give happiness to the richness and depth, he will be reaching out to people on a level which has long been untouched by religion or other ideologies that still exist. He will appear idealistic to those who look for idealism, pragmatic for those who are pragmatists, spiritual to the seekers, sensual to the generations now and here. Hinduism, lucky because his belief in intuition and not too stressed ideology, seems far more acceptable than the doctrines of religions and dogmanya has been frozen for more than a thousand years ago or a fixed social structure and behavior are controlled by the indigenous tribes (tribal mores) .
Hinduism will spread not through the teachers and Swami, which will attract some people to seek a renewed commitment and a lifestyle similar to the hermitage, but the Hindu religion would develop mainly through the works of intellectuals and writers, who have found some of the ideals -ideals (ideals) are convincing and the Hindu ideals which identify it with their personal beliefs. A number large enough of leading physicists and biologists have found parallels between modern science with the ideals or the ideals of Hinduism. Increasing number of creative scientists who will be coming from Hindu backgrounds and will be consciously and unconsciously incorporate their scientific goals and ideals of his religion. All of us may have a more or less become more Hindu than we thought.
(Klaus K. Klostermaier: "A Survey Of Hinduism" State University of New York Press, 1989).

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